Elderly people, babies, the hall was packed

Elderly people, babies, the hall was packed. Then suddenly the blast, the whole place flew in the air, darkness, dead people, people screaming. - Maxim al-Karif

head waiter at the Park Hotel in Netanya, where a Palestinian suicide bomber killed 21 Israelis and wounded hundreds who were celebrating Passover.

We don't agree with the execution. We had hoped there would be a proper investigation and then if they were found guilty they should have been imprisoned. The whole thing happened too quickly - the arrest and trial.

- Family of Father Declan O'Toole, who was murdered in Uganda, after two soldiers were executed for the killing after a hastily convened court martial.


Supermodels don't get out of bed for less than $10,000, so she hasn't even got enough to pull back the bedclothes.

- Editor of the Mirror Piers Morgan, after Naomi Campbell won £3,500 damages in a privacy case against the paper.

He was a great barrister and a great judge.

- Mr Frank Clarke SC on Mr Justice Rory O'Hanlon, who died this week.

I try not to be begrudging in any of this. Ronnie Flanagan, like some of the rest of us, has survived for 30 years. He knows a lot of secrets; he's been a key to the repressive arm of the British state; he's out of it, sin é, good luck.

- Sinn Féin president Mr Gerry Adam on the outgoing Chief Constable.

Every faceless woman of colour now has a chance, given that this door has been opened.

- Halle Berry, this year's Oscar winner for best actress

The proposition was put to me and I accepted it.

- Mr Paddy Teahon, speaking after the Cabinet decided he should step aside as chairman and chief executive of Campus and Stadium Ireland Development.

I am mad. I have become a tramp, so I must die.

- Richard Durn, who killed himself 35 hours after he shot dead eight city councillors in a town hall west of Paris.

If errors were made, they will be punished.

- France's Interior Minister, Daniel Vaillant, announcing an investigation into the death of Durn, who jumped out of a fourth-floor window in police HQ.

We have come through five years of a grubby Government whose only priority has been its re-election, a Government headed by a man who would rather open pubs than drive this country forward.

- Labour leader Ruairí Quinn, in his speech at the party conference.

I think that's a likely possibility. The reality is that this Government has worked well.

- The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, when asked if he would form a government with the PDs in a position where he was just a few seats short of a majority.

He was a considerable, sporadic explosion of acting talent. But he was just a wonderful chap. I shall miss him very much.

- Director Michael Winner on actor, musician and comedian Dudley Moore, who died this week aged 66 after a long illness.

We are more optimistic because the international economy is picking up faster than we expected.

- Dr Michael Casey, the Central Bank's assistant director general, on a predicted 3 per cent growth in the economy this year.

To any fan of film or any student of how a great life is lived, all roads lead to Billy Wilder.

- Film-maker Cameron Crowe, on the legendary director who died in California.

Compiled by Declan Fahy