This Week They Said

The timing is a question of months rather than years

The timing is a question of months rather than years. Ali Alawi, Iraqi defence minister, on how long US-led forces will remain in the country

Bad people have parties, too.

Brig Gen Mark Kimmitt, deputy director of operations in Iraq, refuses to concede that American troops bombed a wedding in Qaim

I have to say that we are both absolutely agreed that there should be full sovereignty transferred to the Iraqi people.


British Prime Minister Mr Tony Blair denies a split with President George Bush over the handing over of power to an Iraqi adminstration

Think of him as a freelance consultant to terrorism groups worldwide.

Raymond Kelly, New York Police Commissioner, on Abu Hamza, the extremist Muslim cleric wanted by the United States

A dynamic liberal economy like ours demands flexibility and inequality in some respects to function.

The Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell

It's been two years. Time to move on.

Ireland football manager Brian Kerr as Roy Keane returns to the side

Better a slap now than a bomb later.

Jens Ammoser, on trial for assaulting Gerhard Schröder, the German Chancellor, says he hoped to prevent unrest by encouraging the government to tackle unemployment

Can I take it home?

Yuuya Yagira (14), who won the Best Actor award at the Cannes Film Festival.

I would never have thought you could get sound out of a cucumber.

A young woman at a concert by the Viennese Vegetable Orchestra which plays original pieces on instruments made from fresh produce

What is there to be afraid of? It is not like I'm getting in the ring with Mike Tyson.

Martina Navratilova makes her French Open comeback at 47

He is an angry, evil and embittered little bishop.

President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe on Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

If you want to live like Colin Farrell, you have to pay for it.

Lonnie Hanover, spokesman for Scores, a New York strip club which is being sued by a business executive who was charged $28,000 for a night of erotic entertainment

Perceptions become realities in Northern Ireland in an instant. The perceptions of many in the Protestant community is that their ethos, their political aspiration and their stability as a community are being eroded by over-attention on the part of government to demands from republicanism.

Church of Ireland Primate, Archbishop Robin Eames

This is an original story, an insight into the obsession for power and political intrigue.

Patrick Hayes, of London film production company, Atrinity, which is planning a biopic of former Taoiseach Charles Haughey

The height of incompetance on behalf of our law-makers.

Michael Gallagher, whose son Aidan was killed in the 1998 Omagh "Real IRA" bombing, as a Belfast judge rules the organisation is not prohibited by UK anti-terrorism legislation

Force protection is the highest on the list of priorities, and the lowest is the collateral damage to civilian property.

Mark Heller from the Jaffee Centre for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University says Israeli forces are generally indifferent to the destruction they cause in the Gaza Strip

I do not think that Fianna Fáil will ever again be in opposition.

Ned O'Keeffe during the Report Stage debate on the Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland Bill, 2003