This Week They Said

I've been doing grave sites for a long time but I've never seen anything like this, women and children executed for no apparent…

I've been doing grave sites for a long time but I've never seen anything like this, women and children executed for no apparent reason.- Greg Kehoe, leading the US team which uncovered a mass grave in Iraq this week.

Being lectured by the president on fiscal responsibility is a little bit like Tony Soprano talking to me about law and order.
- John Kerry during the third and final presidential debate.

Lay off Massachusetts, Mr President. When you took the oath of office, you swore to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of all 50 United States, not just the ones that voted for you. We fought a war about this, and the secessionists lost.
- Columnist Timothy Noah takes issue with President Bush's repeated pillorying of John Kerry as a Massachusetts liberal.

We want to have our own voice, our own choice and our own vote.
- Salam Smeisem, an economic adviser in the Iraqi interim government and one of the women thinking of running for a seat in Iraq's new National Assembly.


McDonald's. But not as you know it.
- The new advertising blurb for McDonald's which is preparing to drop its "Golden Arches" logo amid declining sales.

The poor man's only poetry is sex.
- Archbishop Gaudencio Rosales of the Philippines, where the population is expected to double in the next 29 years, says the Catholic Church has not done enough to promote responsible family planning.

If you've got long legs or a long show, you're a dead person. Your knees are in your throat.
- Emanuel Azenberg, a veteran Broadway producer, complains that theatre seats are nowhere near as comfortable as those in multi-screen cinemas.

People are tired of rip-off Ireland and they're much more anxious to get value for money. The experience of the pub sector is a leading indicator of that - people prefer to spend their money on what's good value.
- Gerard O'Neill, chief executive of Amárach, as CSO figures show spending in pubs is down while that on DIY goods has increased.

Welcome to my home.
- Minister for Foreign Affairs Dermot Ahern prepares to greet UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan at Farmleigh.

People don't think I've got the brains to be clever.
- Soccer star David Beckham.

So what happened? Did people in the horse-racing and show-jumping worlds become cheats overnight.
- Olympic gold medallist Cian O'Connor says his is only one of a number of horse-doping cases pending with the sport's authorities.

You can kill people by keeping them awake.
- Jeremy Williams, of the British Health and Safety Laboratory, tells a conference in Killarney that shift-work and lengthy commuting can damage the health of workers.

People cannot afford to move here.
- ESRI economist John Fitzgerald says properly prices are preventing many emigrants returning to Ireland.