This Week They Said

In eight days and 12 hours we will both be former presidents

In eight days and 12 hours we will both be former presidents.
Bill Clinton replies to Senator John Kerry's question as to what he and George W. Bush have in common.

My kids just brought home a beautiful pumpkin, but you know what? I'm going to return it because it's a Democrat pumpkin. It has the orange colour of John Kerry's tan, and the roundness of Teddy Kennedy.
The Californian governor and Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger.

As a prisoner of war in Vietnam, I was kept in the dark and fed scraps. Why would I want to do that again?
Senator John McCain explains why he was never tempted to run for vice president.

Drivers need to know when it comes to Luas junctions a red light really is a red light and not an optional personal choice.
Olivia Mitchell, Fine Gael transport spokeswoman, after further collisions between the new Dublin light rail and city-centre traffic.


The more pricey we become the more attractive the EU accession countries are going to look, the more attractive India is going to look.
Central Bank assistant director general Michael Casey says a rise in the rate of inflation remains the single biggest threat to the economy.

European culture is a culture of tolerance and compromise.
José Manuel Barroso, incoming European Commission president.

There are worse images on TV and if people want to give the play a miss because of this, then that's their choice.
Catherine Collins, administrator of the Red Kettle Theatre Company, which placed pigs' heads on stakes around Waterford to advertise its production of Lord Of The Flies.

A lot of priests feel isolated. More and more are working on their own...The survey shows that a serious discussion is needed.
The Bishop of Killaloe, Dr Willie Walsh, as research shows a majority of Irish priests favour an end to the celibacy rule.

Sometimes he buys his shirts a size or two larger in the neck so he can run his finger around the collar and show people how much weight he's lost.
Herbert Breslin, Luciano Pavarotti's manager for 36 years.

The convictions today send a clear message that the abuse of children is not acceptable in any culture anywhere, even on Pitcairn Island.
British police officer Ron Vinson on the conviction of six out of the seven men on Pitcairn Island charged with indecently assaulting girls as young as 12.

Soccer players with ponytails, hair bands and sculpted beards will be banned from playing or will be fined.
Navid Majd, head of the Iran Football Federation's PR office, says new rules are being introduced to stop the spread of Western culture.

Look at my home - we have angels on the mantelpiece and we have bright, colourful decorations. It's not the kind of home a satanist with the stereotypical image would live in.
Catherine Cranmer, mother of the English sailor Chris Cranmer, the first registered satanist in the British Armed Forces.

What differentiates boxing from other sports is that for three minutes you're right in the midst of death.
George Foreman, former world heavyweight champion.

Gastronomy has become something almost ridiculous. Every time you turn on the television you see people cooking and eating - it's become practically pornographic.
Carlo Petrini, Italian food writer and founder of the international Slow Food Movement.

There are no playboys any more. I've always been a career-minded person. Any vague resemblance of my life to a playboy's is purely coincidental.
Singer Mick Jagger.