I have never received a corrupt payment and I have never done anything to dishonour any office I have held.

I have never received a corrupt payment and I have never done anything to dishonour any office I have held.

I know that some people will feel that some aspects of my finances are unusual. I truly regret if this has caused any confusion or worry in people's minds. - The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, announces he is to step down.

A seamless transition is what the Taoiseach would like and that is what we would all like to see. - Fianna Fáil chief whip Tom Kitt as Tánaiste Brian Cowen looks increasingly likely to emerge unopposed as Mr Ahern's successor.

If we lost Lisbon because of Bertie's personal issues that would be a disaster for both Ireland and Europe, so this move was made in the national interest as well as that of Fianna Fáil. - A senior Government official sheds light on the reason behind the timing of Mr Ahern's resignation announcement.


They are men with the cold-eyed certainty of the fanatic. - Peter Wright, a UK prosecutor at the trial of eight British men accused of planning to detonate bombs hidden in soft drink bottles on planes flying to the US.

We'll not just beat him, we'll embarrass him. - Tendai Biti, of Zimbabwe's Movement for Democratic Change, as president Robert Mugabe's grip on power begins to slip.

I was worried I wasn't going to make it . . . I was pinned down by sniper fire at the Burbank airport. - Hillary Clinton wisecracks about a story she told that she touched down in Bosnia in 1996 under gunfire - later discredited by eyewitness accounts - during an appearance on the Jay Leno show.