ThisWeek TheySaid

It... has, in subversive hands, the capacity to gravely undermine the authority of the State

It ... has, in subversive hands, the capacity to gravely undermine the authority of the State.Minister for Justice Michael McDowell, on the Centre for Public Inquiry

Bono came in and dropped this new iPod on me . . . it's pretty high-tech stuff.

President Bush reveals what he and Bono discussed during a meeting at the White House.

The economy will run out of steam, with wages at uncompetitive levels and severe congestion of the country's infrastructure.


John Fitzgerald, a senior researcher as the ESRI, says the boom may not last forever.

Even today I couldn't tell you how much the health service is spending on [ information technology].

Michael Scanlan, secretary general of the Department of Health, says things have gone seriously wrong with human resource computer systems in the health service.

The men are all shattered now. It was a big shock for them to come out suddenly after spending all that time there.

Siptu official Paul Smyth as the four Irish Ferries officers who locked themselves in the engine room of their ship in protest at the company's controversial restructuring plans sail home following the resolution of the dispute.

I wonder what kind of response we would get if we called on people to send John Ward's widow and 11 children a Christmas card. After all, she is a single parent trying to rear a large family in the relative deprivation of a halting site.

Bernard Sweeney of the Mayo Traveller Supporter Group criticises a Christmas card campaign organised by supporters of Pádraig Nally, the farmer convicted of Mr Ward's killing.

In Saddam's time, it was safer. You could walk and go anywhere.

Saadal al-Lah, who risked sniper fire to get to the polls in the Iraqi town of Tal Afar, a hotbed of insurgency.

Things are getting worse. They don't put people in prison any more. But they bring all these cases to pressure us, to terrorize us and produce self-censorship.

Nadire Mater, a Turkish writer and activist, says the government is waging a campaign against writers who "denigrate" Turkey.

It was a real problem. The women didn't feel comfortable having them in the ladies' room, and the men didn't want them in their bathroom either.

Carlos Eduardo Moreira, a city councillor in Rio de Janeiro, which is to open public toilets designed especially for the city's large population of transvestites.

Saddam's height is very beautiful, so he wears a suit very well, very elegant. And he's very fussy about what he wears, like a model.

Recep Cesur, Saddam Hussein's tailor.

We're tired of the idea that you have to be beautiful to get on in life, that beauty equals social power, and beautiful people earn more and get promoted quicker.

Harald Gasper, who has launched Germany's first club for "ugly" people.

Stanley Williams insists he is innocent, and that he will not and should not apologise or otherwise atone for the murders of the four victims in this case. Without an apology and atonement for these senseless and brutal killings, there can be no redemption.

Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger, who refused to halt the execution of convicted murderer and Crips gang founder Stanley "Tookie" Williams.

I'm anti-religious. I find religious people hideous. It's a big lie.

American novelist Philip Roth.

My God, Gibran. You were the only one who told the truth.

An elderly man at the site in Beirut where anti-Syrian MP and journalist Gibran Tueni was killed by a car bomb.