Three for court over Limerick cocaine seizure

Three men arrested in relation to yesterday’s cocaine seizure in Castletroy View Estate in Limerick city are appearing before…

Three men arrested in relation to yesterday’s cocaine seizure in Castletroy View Estate in Limerick city are appearing before a special sitting of Limerick District Court this afternoon.

Cocaine with an estimated street value of €700,000 was recovered yesterday at a house on the estate.

Gardaí believe the house was being used as a mixing factory.

Three men, one in his 40s and two in their 20s, were arrested at the scene.

Some 6kg (13lb) of the drug along with other narcotics-related items, including mixing agents, blenders, bags and gloves were seized during the search operation against organised crime in the city.

A forensic examination of the premises was carried out, while the drugs were sent for forensic testing.

It is understood the three men arrested yesterday are members of a criminal gang based on the north side of the city.