Three held over Dublin shooting

Three men are being questioned by gardaí in west Dublin tonight in connection with the shooting of a man more than a year ago…

Three men are being questioned by gardaí in west Dublin tonight in connection with the shooting of a man more than a year ago.

The men, aged 20, 24 and 31, were arrested this morning following a series of raids by detectives from Tallaght Garda station who are investigating the shooting of Robert Delaney.

Mr Delaney was shot in the head after he answered the door of his apartment at Russell Rise in Tallaght in the early hours of October 22nd 2008. His wife and children were in the room at the time.

The three men, who were arrested at properties in Tallaght and Finglas, are being detained under Section 30 of the Offences Against the State Act 1939 at Tallaght Garda Station. They can be held for up to three days.

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times