Today In The Oireachtas



10.30 a.m. Order of Business. Carers Leave Bill. Standards in Public Office Bill.

2.30 p.m. Questions (Taoiseach and Minister for the Environment and Local Government)

4.15 p.m. Morning Business continued.


7.00 p.m. Private Members Business. Motion: Orthodontic Waiting Lists (Fine Gael Party).

8.30 p.m. Afternoon's Business continued.

10.00 p.m. Matters on the Adjournment.


10.30 a.m. Order of Business. Irish Nationality and Citizenship Bill. Sex Offenders Bill.

6.00 p.m. Private Members Time. Motion: National Drugs Strategy (Fianna Fail Senators).

8.00 p.m. Afternoon's Business (if not concluded)

Committees In Public Session

9.30 a.m. Sub-Committee on Health and Smoking of the Joint Committee on Health and Children, Committee Room 3, Leinster House. Agenda: Hearings on Smoking and Health.

10.00 a.m. Select Committee on Environment and Local Government, Committee Room 4, Leinster House. Agenda: Motor Vehicle (Duties and Licences) Bill.

2.30 p.m. Joint Committee on Agriculture, Food and Marine, Committee Room 3, Leinster House. Agenda: Correspondence.

2.30 p.m. Select Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights, Committee Room 4, Leinster House. Agenda: Prevention of Corruption Bill.

3.00 p.m. Select Committee on Agriculture, Food and Marine, Committee Room 3, Leinster House. Agenda: Estimates (Agriculture and Food).

5.30 p.m. Select Committee on Education and Science, Room 4, Leinster House. Agenda: Vocational Education (Amendment) Bill.