Trawler Drama: stranded vessel refloated

The French-registered vessel which ran aground in Dingle Harbour, Co Kerry, was refloated and back in port yesterday afternoon…

The French-registered trawler Pors Piron, which ran aground near the mouth of Dingle Harbour early yesterday.
The French-registered trawler Pors Piron, which ran aground near the mouth of Dingle Harbour early yesterday.

The French-registered vessel which ran aground in Dingle Harbour, Co Kerry, was refloated and back in port yesterday afternoon.

The Pors Piron, a Spanish-crewed, white-fish vessel, had run aground as it left the harbour at 3am yesterday after offloading its catch into trucks bound for Spain. The vessel did not strike anything but ended up sideways against the face of the cliff opposite the lighthouse.

Valentia Coastguard co-ordinated the safe removal of most of the eight crew members with the assistance of local rescue teams. The captain and engineer remained on board.

The Irish Lights vessel, Grainneuaile, was standing by yesterday afternoon when the grounded vessel was successfully towed and refloated by another fishing vessel and afterwards made her way into port.


Safety and other checks were being carried out late yesterday afternoon and the vessel examined for any damage. An inquiry will be carried out into how the vessel ended up under the cliff face.