Trial of GP accused of 15 murders is delayed

Preston - The trial of a family doctor charged with murdering 15 of his women patients is not now expected to start until next…

Preston - The trial of a family doctor charged with murdering 15 of his women patients is not now expected to start until next week. Dr Harold Shipman (53) appeared briefly in the dock at Preston Crown Court yesterday. But the judge, Mr Justice Forbes, was told that legal submissions by defence counsel for the doctor were expected to last until the end of the week. A jury to hear the case against the GP will not now be empanelled until next Monday at the earliest.

Dr Shipman, of Greater Manchester, was in the dock for 15 minutes before the judge adjourned proceedings for the day. He is also charged with forging a will. The doctor who practises in Market Street, Hyde, Greater Manchester, has pleaded not guilty at earlier hearings to all the charges.