Tristan court hearing expected within days

Indonesian officials investigating the legality of the adoption of three year old Tristan Dowse by an Irishman and his wife expect…

Indonesian officials investigating the legality of the adoption of three year old Tristan Dowse by an Irishman and his wife expect to have a court hearing on the matter in the next few days.

An official from the social affairs ministry said yesterday: "We were tied up with other matters today. However, I hope that either I or my assistant will get to the court in the next few days."

The official believes the adoption of Tristan is illegal because there is no record of a letter from the social affairs ministry approving it. Irish accountant Mr Joe Dowse has denied Tristan's adoption was improper.

The official indicated that they may appeal the adoption to a higher court to have it annulled.


It is not clear if Tristan's Irish citizenship, which was granted based on the initial court decision approving the adoption, would then be automatically revoked.

No one in the Irish embassy in Singapore, the mission which covers Indonesia, was willing to comment on the case yesterday.