Truce announcement expected from loyalists

Loyalist paramilitaries are tonight expected to call an end to their latest round of feud violence, it has been reported.

Loyalist paramilitaries are tonight expected to call an end to their latest round of feud violence, it has been reported.

Tension has been high between the Loyalist Volunteer Force and the Ulster Volunteer Force following the UVF murder of senior LVF man Brian Stewart (34). Stewart was gunned down in the east of the city last week.

Since then several bomb attacks and shooting incidents have been linked to the escalating dispute between the bitterly opposed organisations. Most of the violence has come from the UVF side as the organisation attempts to crush the LVF.

But the two groups are said to be finalising statements, to be released later tonight, ending the violence.


Prominent church leaders have been working behind the scenes in a bid to make peace against the background of a 24-hour lull in attacks.