Two British soldiers killed in Afghanistan

Two British soldiers were killed in a Taliban attack in southern Afghanistan today, the Ministry of Defence said.

Two British soldiers were killed in a Taliban attack in southern Afghanistan today, the Ministry of Defence said.

The two Royal Marines were on foot patrol in Helmand Province, a volatile region of Afghanistan, when they came under attack from a group of insurgents.

"The loss of these two Royal Marines has come as a bitter and tragic blow to everyone in Task Force Helmand," a military spokesman said in a statement.

The deaths raise the number of British troops killed in the conflict since it began in late 2001 to at least 128, according to Ministry of Defence figures.

Britain has around 8,300 troops based in Afghanistan, most of them stationed in Helmand, a vast desert province where the Taliban remain strong.

The Taliban have stepped up attacks against US, British and other foreign forces this year, carrying out more attacks than in any year since the US-led invasion following the September 11th 2001 attacks on the United States.
