Two Gaeltacht pupils allege sex assaults

Gardaí in west Donegal are investigating three separate alleged sexual assaults over the weekend, one involving a child and the…

Gardaí in west Donegal are investigating three separate alleged sexual assaults over the weekend, one involving a child and the others believed to have involved students at Irish language colleges.

Gardaí are not commenting on the assaults but it is reported that two female teenage students attending separate Irish summer colleges at Derrybeg and Loughanure were sexually assaulted.

Garda technical officers have carried out an examination of the scene at Derrybeg near the local GAA club where the first assault is alleged to have taken place on Friday night.

It is believed the girl was taken to Letterkenny General Hospital initially and from there to the Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, for further examination.


Although details of this incident remain sketchy it is confirmed that an Irish college operating in the Derrybeg area uses the local GAA facility at night for entertainment purposes.

Gardaí confirmed that no arrests have yet been made in this case.

In a separate incident some 10 miles away gardaí attended the scene yesterday of a second alleged sexual assault of a teenage student from Northern Ireland.

A spokeswoman at the Garda press office confirmed a female student at Loughanure summer college has alleged that she was sexually assaulted between 9.30pm and 9.40pm as she made her way home from the college to her accommodation.

The incident was reported to Glenties gardaí yesterday morning and the scene was preserved pending a technical examination. The girl was being interviewed last night by gardaí and college authorities and her parents had been contacted.

The girl is one of more than 300 students from various parts of Northern Ireland attending a three-week Irish language course in Loughanure. It is understood she was walking home on a secondary road in the village when the alleged assault took place.

Gardaí yesterday preserved an area around a holiday home in the village, just 100 yards from the girl's place of accommodation.

The Garda press office confirmed last night that investigations are ongoing but could release no further details. Gardaí were checking CCTV cameras from a local business premises last night.

Loughanure College authorities in a statement last night confirmed an alleged incident took place on Saturday night and it was being investigated by Gardaí.

Meanwhile, a 17-year-old youth was arrested at a house in Bunbeg early on Saturday following allegations that a child had been sexually assaulted in the house. He was taken to Letterkenny Garda station for questioning but was later released without charge. Investigations are continuing.