Two gardai to testify on bugging allegations, tribunal told

Two gardaí were willing to come to the tribunal to testify that bugging was going on in a Garda station during a murder investigation…

Two gardaí were willing to come to the tribunal to testify that bugging was going on in a Garda station during a murder investigation in Cork, Det Sgt John White said.

He claimed the previous day that bugging of suspects and their solicitors had been widespread in Garda stations and that senior gardaí knew about it.

Yesterday the tribunal was told by Michael Durack SC, for the Garda Commissioner and senior officers, that Chief Supt Austin McNally, Asst Commissioner Kevin Carty and Asst Commissioner Dermot Jennings hotly contested this claim.

Later Det Sgt White was questioned by his own lawyer, John Whelan SC.


Det Sgt White said two gardaí witnessed the bugging of an interview room. They were beside the man and the machine and they could name the man who was using it, he said. The two gardaí made statements to this effect.

"They told me that they were quite willing to give evidence about all this. It was in a murder case in Cork in 1992 and they can definitely give sworn evidence that the interview room was bugged and they saw it happening and they heard it happening."

Mr Whelan asked if they were prepared to come to the tribunal.

"They are and they have made statements to their own superintendent about it and there was supposed to be an investigation but they believe there was a cover-up and they have told me that," he said. They had all the reports and documentation necessary to show that, he said.

Tribunal lawyer Paul McDermott SC said they had received a statement from one of the gardaí and the matter would be pursued.