Two men injured in Cabra shooting

Two men were today being treated in hospital following a shooting in north Dublin last night.

Two men were today being treated in hospital following a shooting in north Dublin last night.

The incident was the third shooting in the area in two days.

The latest shooting occurred at 10pm last night at a house on Ashington Heath off the Navan Road in Dublin.

It is understood that a number of men armed with a handgun arrived at the house and shot two of the occupants.


One of the victims was shot in the hand — the other received a gunshot wound to the leg. "The injured persons were taken to James Connolly Memorial Hospital in Blanchardstown where their condition is thought to be stable," a garda spokesman said.

Both men are believed to be from Lithuania. Gardai later searched the area for the gunmen and discovered a quantity of drugs.

Three men were subsequently arrested on drugs charges. The men, who are believed to be Polish nationals, were detained at Blanchardstown Garda Station.

Two were later released but one of them is expected to appear in court at a later date. In previous incidents, a 23-year-old man was shot three times on waste ground near Berryfield Drive in Finglas yesterday.

He had managed to flee to the safety of a nearby house and is now in a stable condition in hospital. A man in his 20s was found dead from gunshot wounds in a car near Blackhorse Avenue in Cabra.