Two women fined for attack on taxi-driver

Two women involved in a violent attack on a taxi-driver four years ago have been given six months to pay fines of €200 and €75…

Two women involved in a violent attack on a taxi-driver four years ago have been given six months to pay fines of €200 and €75 by Judge Desmond Hogan at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

Sharon Rattigan (22), Cooley Road, Drimnagh, and Natasha McEnroe (20), Captain's Road, Crumlin, pleaded guilty to violent disorder on James's Street on April 2nd, 2000.

Sgt Michael Hiney of Kevin Street Garda station told the court that a group of people and a couple were gathered outside James's Inn at 2 a.m.. A taxi stopped for the couple.

The group, which included the defendants and three other men, attacked the couple and the taxi driver. Another taxi-driver and injured party in this case, Mr Michael Connolly, stopped to assist his colleague who was able to escape. Mr Connolly was then set upon by the group. Sgt Hiney said Rattigan grabbed Mr Connolly's shirt and held on to him as men in the group threw punches and beat him with an iron bar.


Mr Connolly told gardaí he had been "beat stupid". He was told he would be killed and heard them shouting: "You're dead, you're dead." McEnroe also gave him a few slaps.

Sgt Hiney said gardaí were attacked by both women. McEnroe, 15 at the time, was drunk and struck a garda across the face. Rattigan, 18 years old at the time, jumped on the back of Garda Mark Gibbons as he attempted to arrest her brother.

Both women, who are now mothers and have no previous convictions, later made full and frank admissions to gardaí and were remorseful.