U2 to play extra Croke Park date

U2 HAVE announced another date for Croke Park this summer

U2 HAVE announced another date for Croke Park this summer. The band will now play Saturday, July 25th, having confirmed earlier this week that they will play July 24th. The venue has planning permission for three live concerts so a third night might yet be added for Monday, July 27th.

Support for their Friday night slot will be up-and-coming Scottish band Glasvegas while established indie band The Kaiser Chiefs will play support on Saturday. Tickets for the two concerts go on sale next Friday at 8am.

In keeping with U2 manager Paul McGuinness’s pledge to allocate at least 10,000 tickets at each venue at a cost of €30 each, the cheapest tickets will be priced at €33.50 which includes the booking fee.

Tickets for both concerts will range from €33.50 to €131.50 and are limited to six-person transactions.


The band played four songs from the new album at Somerville Theatre in Boston on Wednesday and told the audience are considering re-recording songs from their debut album, Boy.

Lead singer Bono told USA Today newspaper he was “overpaid and overnourished”, but he said somebody must make a stand against illegal downloading.

“It’s not the place for rich rock stars to ask for more money, but somebody should fight for fellow artists, because this is madness. Music has become tap water, a utility, where for me it’s a sacred thing, so I’m a little offended.”

Separately, clerical phenomenon The Priests have been confirmed for two shows, one at the Odyssey Arena, Belfast, on June 20th and another at the O2 in Dublin on June 22nd.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times