Údarás plan aims to create 850 jobs a year

Údarás na Gaeltachta today revealed a five-year action plan to create 850 jobs a year in Irish-speaking communities.

Údarás na Gaeltachta today revealed a five-year action plan to create 850 jobs a year in Irish-speaking communities.

Pádraig Ó hAoláin, chief executive of the authority, insisted the scheme would focus on restoring the full-time employment level to 8,500 by 2010.

And he said strong economic development and support for the language would be the key for Gaeltacht communities to achieve their full potential.

"All of the evidence shows that the size of the Irish language communities has been reducing and the language has less of a community and family foothold compared to a generation ago," he said.


Mr Ó hAoláin said Gaeltacht communities and the authority faced a two-fold challenge in safeguarding a strong and vibrant future for areas up and down the western seaboard.

He said these were "to protect and invigorate those strong Irish-speaking communities so that the language can grow as a living language within geographic and social areas that are vibrant and fulfilling . . . . And to ensure that the public profile of Irish can be revived in the medium term to strong second language status in those areas where it is no longer the community language."

The body will also target increasing indigenous employment levels from 50 per cent to 60 per cent of overall industrial and services in companies employing up to 20 people.

The body said the strategic plan would support communities, native speakers, and parents so that they can live their lives fully through Irish.