Ugandan MPs remove presidential term limit

UGANDA: Uganda's parliament yesterday overwhelmingly backed the removal of presidential term limits

UGANDA: Uganda's parliament yesterday overwhelmingly backed the removal of presidential term limits. This is a measure which critics say is designed to install president Yoweri Museveni for life.

However the bill will not become law until MPs vote on it again, which is due to happen by the end of July. Mr Museveni would then be eligible to stand for re-election in March.

A total of 232 MPs voted in favour of the motion, 50 against and one abstained, parliament speaker Edward Ssekandi told the assembly.

Many Ugandans expected parliament to support the removal of a constitutional provision that would force the former guerrilla commander Mr Museveni to step down in March after completing two five-year terms since the passing of the 1996 constitution.


Before yesterday's vote, police fired tear-gas to disperse scores of protesters, a few of whom threw rocks before fleeing.

The opposition has warned that the removal of term limits may lead to political strife and turmoil.