Union calls for 2-year halt to evictions

The Technical Engineering and Electrical Union has called for a two-year moratorium on evictions to allow people to get through…

The Technical Engineering and Electrical Union has called for a two-year moratorium on evictions to allow people to get through the worst of the recession.

The union voted on the motion at its conference in Cork, blaming the bankers and the Governement for the current crisis.

The union's general secretary designate Eamon Devoy told delegates that almost a quarter of cases listed before the High Court's chancery division last week were for repossessions, with a third of those being family homes.
"While deals are being struck by the Government with these same bankers and developers behind closed doors ordinary people are being shown their own front door," he said.

He said bnks should only be given aid under strict guidelines.

"The Government must pass the necessary legislation to prevent evictions from the family home for arrears and
must also ensure reductions in interest rates are passed on to those who need them most, and who will use their disposable income to boost the economy, not derail it," he said.