US anti-terror policies 'bereft of principle'

AMNESTY: Washington's global anti-terror policies are "bankrupt of vision" as human rights become sacrificed in the blind pursuit…

AMNESTY: Washington's global anti-terror policies are "bankrupt of vision" as human rights become sacrificed in the blind pursuit of security, according to Amnesty International.

In its annual report published today, the organisation also criticised partners across the world in the US's self-declared "war on terror" for jailing suspects unfairly, stamping on legitimate political and religious dissent, and squeezing asylum-seekers.

"The global security agenda promoted by the US administration is bankrupt of vision and bereft of principle," said Amnesty head Ms Irene Khan, launching the report.

"Violating rights at home, turning a blind eye to abuses abroad and using pre-emptive military force where and when it chooses has damaged justice and freedom, and made the world a more dangerous place."


Specifically, Amnesty criticised Washington for unlawful killings of Iraqi civilians; questionable arrest and mistreatment of prisoners in Iraq, Guantanamo Bay and Afghanistan; and opposition to a new global criminal court.

"The world is crying out for principled leadership," Ms Khan added, saying the negative effects of US-led anti-terror policies had spread far and wide.

In Europe and Asia, Amnesty criticised regressive anti-terror legislation, attacks on refugee protection and restrictions on freedom of association and expression.

It singled out Britain for holding 14 foreigners without charge, Spain for closing a Basque-language newspaper, the European Union for ignoring human rights in its asylum thinking, and Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan for internal repression. In China, India, Malaysia, Pakistan and Thailand "the belief ... that human rights could be curtailed under the 'war on terror' umbrella was particularly apparent" with hundreds of detainees left in legal limbo, the report said.

It criticised Arab nations for allowing the transfer of people between states without judicial proceedings. "While some states, such as Egypt and Syria, had long-standing states of emergency in place, the 'war on terror' was used as a pretext to legitimise existing practices, such as long-term administrative detention and unfair trials by special courts whose procedures fell far short of international standards."

It also condemned the "callous, cruel and criminal attacks" by armed groups such as al-Qaeda.

The report is available at