Us cardinal to address conference

THE Archbishop of New York, Cardinal John O'Connor, is to address a conference in Dublin next Monday on "Virtue in Public Life…

THE Archbishop of New York, Cardinal John O'Connor, is to address a conference in Dublin next Monday on "Virtue in Public Life", writes Patsy McGarry. Another speaker will be Cardinal Cahal Daly, who addresses the conference at All Hallows College on "The Priest". The conference, which runs from June 1st to 6th, will be centred on the priesthood, and is being run by the US National Institute for Clergy Formation, based at Seton Hall University in New Jersey.

Other participants include Father Avery Dulles, of Ford ham University, who will address the issues of infallibility and evangelisation; Mgr Andrew Cusack of Seton Hall University, Father Benedict Groeschel of Columbia University; and the author Father William McNamara, who opens the conference on Sunday with a public lecture, "Finding One's Way".

Cardinal O'Connor speaks at 8.30 p.m. next Monday, and Cardinal Daly at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday. The conference is open to the public, with an admission price of £6 per lecture (£23 for five), payable at the door.