US offers to demolish Abu Ghraib prison

The United States will demolish Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib prison in consultation with the incoming government as a way of symbolising…

The United States will demolish Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib prison in consultation with the incoming government as a way of symbolising the country's new start, the White House has claimed.

The prison near Baghdad, scene of torture under Saddam Hussein and of a prisoner-abuse scandal under the US military, would be replaced by a new maximum security prison funded by the US government, the White House said.

The statement was issued ahead of a prime time speech on the future of Iraq by US President George W. Bush.

"Under Saddam Hussein, prisons like Abu Ghraib were symbols of death and torture. That same prison became a symbol of disgraceful conduct by a few American troops who dishonoured our country and disregarded our values," the statement said.


"America will fund the construction of a modern, maximum security prison. When that prison is completed, detainees at Abu Ghraib will be relocated."