US space shuttle returns to Earth

The space shuttle Discovery has landed safely in California after bad weather forced a switch of its touchdown site at the end…

The space shuttle Discovery has landed safely in California after bad weather forced a switch of its touchdown site at the end of a two-week mission to the International Space Station.

NASA diverted the spaceship to Edwards Air Force Base in California's Mojave Desert after waiting in vain for two days for rain and clouds to clear over the shuttle's home port in Florida, the originally scheduled landing location.

Under partly cloudy desert skies, the shuttle landed at 8:53 p.m local time on Friday (0053 Irish time on Saturday.)

"Welcome home Discovery, congratulations on an extremely successful mission," astronaut Eric Boe radioed from mission control to the crew as Discovery came to a stop.


Banking into its final landing approach visible from a whisp of twin contrails, Discovery first appeared from the ground as a white speck glinting in the fading sunlight high over the northeastern horizon.

Flight directors had tried on Thursday and Friday to bring Discovery back to Florida.

But rain and thunderstorms, characteristic of Florida's notoriously volatile weather,  stymied NASA's original landing plans at the Kennedy Space Center, prompting flight directors to switch to the backup site at Edwards Air Force Base on the other side of the country, where skies were clearer.

"We've had some weather challenges, but that's life at the Florida home port," Mike Moses, NASA's shuttle launch integration manager, told a post-landing news conference.

After 219 orbits around Earth, Discovery plunged back through the atmosphere, soaring northeast over the Pacific Ocean toward Southern California.

Commander Rick Sturckow circled Discovery down over the California desert, burning off speed before nose-diving the 100-tonne ship to the concrete landing strip to complete a 9.1-million km journey.
