US to transfer control of Anbar to Iraq

IRAQ: ANBAR PROVINCE, once one of the most dangerous areas in Iraq, is to be handed back to Iraqi control next week.

IRAQ:ANBAR PROVINCE, once one of the most dangerous areas in Iraq, is to be handed back to Iraqi control next week.

The province, west of Baghdad, is largely populated by Sunni Arabs and was previously the centre of the nationalist insurgency against the US occupation and, later, of foreign-led al-Qaeda militants.

In the past two years, local tribal leaders have come together in the al-Sahwa (the Awakening) movement, to confront al-Qaeda.

US commanders gradually embraced the movement, providing money and arms. This, coupled with the injection of extra Iraqi troops and police, forced al-Qaeda to retreat or slip away to other provinces. Some nationalist rebels joined al-Sahwa while others went to ground.


Maj Gen Tareq al-Dulaimi, the provincial police commander, said Iraqi forces would assume control of the vast region on Monday.

Lieut Col Chris Hughes, a marine corps spokesman in Anbar, said the number of US troops there had dropped from 37,000 in February to 25,000, while the Iraqi police force had grown to 28,000, from 5,000 three years ago. Iraqi forces in Anbar will still rely on the US for aerial surveillance and logistics, as well as artillery strikes on request.

Anbar was once off-limits to all but local people, with long-distance traffic rare on the main roads from Baghdad to Jordan and Syria.

But the father of a Shia family who drove back to Baghdad from Syria this week through Anbar said yesterday: "It is calm and safe. I had no fear about bringing my wife and children."

The handover had been due to take place in June, but was postponed at the last moment, ostensibly because a sand storm prevented dignitaries from flying in.

A fatal bombing in Fallujah the day before the handover may have been a factor, as well as arguments between the Islamic party, which is represented in parliament, and the Awakening council leaders, who have become a rising power in Sunni areas.

Iraq now has security control of 10 of its 18 provinces. The government wants an end to all US patrols by July 2009.

The government of prime minister Nouri al-Maliki is seeking assurances about a gradual reduction of US military activities in Iraq as part of a security deal it is negotiating with Washington.

- (Guardian service)