UUP urged to save agreement

Sinn Fein Assembly member, Mr Martin McGuinness, insisted yesterday that the Belfast Agreement could be saved - if the Ulster…

Sinn Fein Assembly member, Mr Martin McGuinness, insisted yesterday that the Belfast Agreement could be saved - if the Ulster Unionist Party gives up its demand for the decommissioning of IRA arms before forming an executive with republicans.

"Time is running short but it is not yet too late for the Ulster Unionists to take their courage from those in the community who voted for change, and implement the agreement as negotiated without further delay," said the Mid Ulster MP.

Speaking on the weekend of the first anniversary of the referendum on the Belfast Agreement, Mr McGuinness said the UUP should honour the 71 per cent in the North and 95 per cent in the Republic who endorsed the agreement, and the formation of an executive, on May 22nd last year.

However, Ulster Unionist Assembly member Sir Reg Empey said it was up to Sinn Fein to fulfil its obligations under the agreement and start decommissioning.