Visitors charged with assault

The State was given more time in the Dublin District Court yesterday to prepare a case against four English visitors accused …

The State was given more time in the Dublin District Court yesterday to prepare a case against four English visitors accused of assaulting two gardai in Dublin city centre.

The four Cumbrian men, Mr Warren Stainton (20), of The Willows, Oriel; Mr David Skelton (23), of Briscrmont; Mr Stuart Aitken (21) of Longcroft, all in Egermont; and Mr Scott Walker (22), of Monkwray Court, Whitehaven, travelled to Dublin for yesterday's remand appearance.

Each is charged with assaulting Garda John O'Brien and Garda Chris Brosnan at Percy Place near the Grand Canal on August 17th, with breach of the peace and being drunk and disorderly.

Dublin District Court was told the two gardai were hospitalised after the incident and one was detained with a fractured skull. Judge Catherine Murphy granted Mr Skelton free legal aid and agreed to give the DPP more time to prepare the case. She remanded the defendants on independent bail of £5,000 each to appear again on December 15th.