Warning issued over dangerous Yo Yo toys

The Director of Consumer Affairs announced this afternoon he is writing to importers, distributors and wholesalers of "Yo Yo …

The Director of Consumer Affairs announced this afternoon he is writing to importers, distributors and wholesalers of "Yo Yo balls" over fears they could kill or injure children.

Urgent risk tests on the toys which have been undertaken in Britain have concluded that the toys pose a risk of strangulation.

The French government has banned the sale of these toys and the Swiss government are currently considering taking similar action.

A warning has already issued on the ODCA website in relation to these product.


The warning lists a number of precautions for children who already own one of the toys, including advice that the Yo Yo ball should not be swung high or around the neck, as it could get wrapped around the neck and cause choking.

The Director has also urged parents to be extremely vigilant if their children are playing with these toys.