Westlife's McFadden faces 3 driving charges

Westlife singer Bryan McFadden appeared in court this morning on charges of speeding and careless driving.

Westlife singer Bryan McFadden appeared in court this morning on charges of speeding and careless driving.

The 24-year-old pop star appeared in in Balbriggan District Court in Co Dublin, accused of speeding on the M1 in September 2002. He attended the hearing with wife Kerry.

McFadden, with an address in The Spruce, Gratten Hall, Donaghamede, Dublin 13, is accused of exceeding the 70 mph speed limit on September 23rd, 2002. He also faces charges of careless driving and driving without reasonable consideration on the same date.

The case in front of Judge Brian Smith was told McFadden was leaving tomorrow for a six-month tour. The hearing was adjourned until October 28th.

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times