What they said at the tribunal hearings

"I came here to the tribunal to get the truth, warts and all, and if I did wrong I am ready to take my place in the queue to…

"I came here to the tribunal to get the truth, warts and all, and if I did wrong I am ready to take my place in the queue to pay for it." - James Gogarty at the start of his evidence to the tribunal.

"From the dock, is it? Put me in the dock, that's where they want me, in the dock. Oh Jesus, oh Mother of God." - Mr Gogarty, after Garret Cooney for JMSE complained about his "long, rambling speeches from the dock".

"From the witness box." - Mr Cooney correcting himself.

"Talk to Gogarty! You might as well talk to a jackass." - 82-year-old builder Batt O'Shea on his former colleague.


"I gave him £200 one time to buy golf balls. If his ball went into the rough, he'd spend the day looking for it. It was like 'twas gold to him." - Mr O'Shea's take on George Redmond.

"Mr \ Callanan [Mr Gogarty's lawyer], with the greatest respect sir, is beginning to jump up and down with the frequency one would normally associate with the bloomers of members of the oldest profession." - Colm Allen SC

"I said to myself, 'is that real money'?" - builder Michael Bailey's thoughts as Mr Gogarty handed over two cash-filled envelopes "the size of two 9 inch by 2 inch blocks" to Ray Burke.

"Will we get a receipt?" "Will we, fuck!" - Mr Gogarty's question, and Michael Bailey's alleged response, on the way to Mr Burke's house.

"You must remember we are trying to run a business as well as waste our time here, er, co-operate with the tribunal." - Michael Bailey in evidence to the tribunal.

"It was a failure of recollection." - Ray Burke explains how he forgot to tell the tribunal about £125,000 in offshore donations from builders Brennan and McGowan.

"I'm going out to your house and I'll break every fucking bone in your body and then I'll kick the fucking shite out of you and when I'm finished with you, you won't have a roof over your head and I'll put a stop to you and your legal hassles." - Mr Gogarty's account of Joseph Murphy jnr's alleged words during a late-night phone call.

"You'll go to the Bar Council and I'll go to Mountjoy." - Mr Gogarty to Garrett Cooney after Mr Cooney had returned to the tribunal following a disagreement with Mr Justice Flood.

"I don't have a bank account in the Isle of Man." - George Redmond in a Sunday newspaper interview, a few days before he was stopped at Dublin Airport with £300,000 in cash and cheques after stepping off a flight from the Isle of Man.

"I'm a very heavy saver." - Mr Redmond on being asked how he had accumulated a bank balance of £660,000 in 1988, when his take-home pay was £19,000 a year.

"I'm looking at you. I've a pain in my face looking at you." - Mr Gogarty after being told to look at the lawyers.

"It is full of that stuff we are going through here." - Mr Gogarty pondering the capacity of a sewage pipe.

"I'm not going to question Mr Redmond's credibility at this stage, Jesus I'd be in right trouble." - Mr Gogarty on being told that Mr Redmond's evidence contradicted his.

"The truth is out there. The answer is flowing in the wind." - Mr Gogarty misquoting Dylan.

"His evidence is finished now. I don't know if I'll be here every day from now on. If the weather keeps up, I might go swimming." - Peter Zambra, who attended most days of the tribunal and was on RTÉ's Late Late Show, describing Mr Gogarty as "a hero".