Wind-farm is denied planning permission

A rural community in Co Clare has missed out on a potential £500,000 windfall from a proposed wind-farm project after An Bord…

A rural community in Co Clare has missed out on a potential £500,000 windfall from a proposed wind-farm project after An Bord Pleanβla yesterday refused it planning permission.

The board refused planning to West Clare Wind-Farm (Manufacturing) Ltd for a 17-turbine 200ft wind-farm on an elevated site less than two miles from the village of Kilmaley.

The board, upholding a decision by Clare County Council, ruled that the proposal materially contravened the 1999 Clare County Development Plan.

The board made the decision because of the location, configuration and number of turbines and said areas designated "visually vulnerable and visually sensitive" would be degraded by the visual impact of the wind-farm.


Despite the promise that the local community would receive a 7.5 per cent shareholding in the £9 million venture, the plan was widely opposed by the local community who set up the Kilmaley Residents Action Group.

A residents' spokesman yesterday said: "The ruling by the board vindicates our opposition to the plan. Developers should be more selective in the locations they choose for such developments."

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times