Witness says Conlon told truth in statement

A member of the Carty internal Garda investigation team said he believed Bernard Conlon was telling the truth in making allegations…

A member of the Carty internal Garda investigation team said he believed Bernard Conlon was telling the truth in making allegations against a Co Donegal detective when his statement was taken in its entirety.

Retired superintendent Tadhg Foley said he interviewed Mr Conlon in February 2000 with other members of the team.

Mr Conlon made allegations that Det Sgt John White told him to be found late-night drinking in a club owned by the McBreartys in Raphoe to set them up.

He also alleged that the detective put him up to making a false statement that two men called to his home in Sligo and threatened him with a "silver bullet". He later falsely identified two members of the extended McBrearty family as being responsible.


Det Sgt White denies all allegations.

Mr Foley said Mr Conlon made a long statement. "Now there were certain aspects we could not corroborate but, in its entirety, I believe Bernard Conlon was telling the truth," he said.

He said he and Supt Joseph McGarty called Det Sgt White to a meeting on March 17th, 2000, about the allegations. Det Sgt White said he wanted a solicitor. He wanted the meeting taped, but they did not agree with that. He had not agreed to talk under caution. He left to consult a solicitor. When he returned, he said he had been advised not to say anything.

Mr Foley said Det Sgt White said as he was leaving that he had notes and tapes of conversations with senior officers. Mr Justice Frederick Morris said that this comment had all the hallmarks of a threat. What did he make of it?

Mr Foley said that at the time, he felt the detective was referring to Assistant Commissioner Kevin Carty. He and Mr Carty spoke about it and did not take the threat seriously.

Det Sgt White was arrested on March 21st, 2000, on foot of the allegations. Earlier this year he was acquitted in court of perverting the course of justice and of making false statements.