Woman rescued from cliffs at Howth Head

A young woman is receiving hospital treatment having being rescued from a cliff face by a Dublin lifeboat team this afternoon…

A young woman is receiving hospital treatment having being rescued from a cliff face by a Dublin lifeboat team this afternoon.

Gardaí spotted the woman, who is in her 20s, lying about 50 metres above sea level at the Balscadden cliffs at the nose of Howth Head at about 1pm.

It is understood the woman fell about 30 metres while out walking.

The RNLI was called to assist at the scene because the Coastguard helicopter, which usually assists in such situations, was unavailable because of bad weather conditions at Dublin airport.


Three RNLI crew members attended the incident and were successful in getting the disorientated woman aboard the lifeboat on a stretcher. One crew member climbed up the cliff while the other two manoeuvred the lifeboat close to the cliff face so the woman could be transferred aboard.

Howth gardaí and the Howth Coastguard Unit also assisted in the operation.

The woman was taken to Howth Lifeboat Station and then transferred by ambulance to Beaumont hospital where she is receiving treatment for superficial injuries.

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times