Woman 'went along' with kissing sergeant

The woman who claims a sergeant at the local Garda station raped her has admitted that she "went along" with the accused when…

The woman who claims a sergeant at the local Garda station raped her has admitted that she "went along" with the accused when he kissed her intimately before the alleged rape.

During a lengthy cross-examination by Mr Michael O'Higgins SC (with Mr Peter Nolan), defending, in which the woman broke down in tears several times, she admitted she "went along with him" when the sergeant "French-kissed" her.

Mr O'Higgins pointed out that no mention of the kiss had been made during her evidence nor in her statements. The woman denied his suggestion, however, that she had "revised and rewritten the events of that night".

The woman agreed she felt cheap after the incident and disgusted with herself for having been involved in such a manner with a man more than twice her age, but denied this was the reason she had made the allegation of rape against the accused.


It was day four of the trial of the 55-year-old accused, who denies raping and sexually assaulting her on June 21st, 2000.

Mr O'Higgins noted that the doctor's notes recorded her as claiming she didn't want to report the incident because it was member of the Garda who was involved.

Pressed by Mr O'Higgins about the first use of the word "rape" in her statements and asked by counsel if "someone put those words into your mouth", she replied: "Jesus Christ, no." The hearing continues before Mr Justice Henry Abbott and a jury of six men and six women.