BoogalooA 1960s dance performed with fast swivelling shuffling movements; to move fast. Bogadh luathMoving fast; moving quickly; fast rocking
Bunkum Humbug, nonsense, tall tales
Buanchumadh Perpetual invention; a long, made-up story
Dork A stupid person; an insignificant contemptible person
Dorc A small, lumpish person; a midget, a dwarf
Dude A dapper dandy, a "swell", an affected, fastidious fop
Dúd: a foolish-looking fellow; a dolt; a numbskull
Phoney A fake, a sham; fake, bogus, false
Fáinne A ring. The word was later transformed into "fawney", meaning a fake gold ring
Puss A mouth, a face, a sour, pouting face; an ugly puss
Pus A lip, a mouth, a sulky expression, a pouty mouth
Jazz A name given to African-American music; excitement; passion, enthusiasm, heat
Teas Heat, passion, excitement, ardour, enthusiasm, anger, highest temperature