Prosecutors to appeal against ‘lenient’ Oscar Pistorius sentence

South African prosecutors had sought 15 years in prison for the Olympic athlete

Oscar Pistorius was convicted of murder after an appeal by prosecutors, having initially been acquitted of the charge. Photograph: Alon Skuy/AFP

South African prosecutors are to appeal against the six-year prison term handed to Oscar Pistorius for the murder of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, describing the sentence as "shockingly" lenient.

The national prosecuting authority said it will file appeal papers on Thursday, following the sentencing of Pistorius on July 6th, 2016.

Prosecutors had sought 15 years in prison for the double-amputee Olympic athlete, the prescribed minimum sentence for murder in South Africa, but a judge said there were compelling circumstances in Pistorius's case to give him a lesser term.

The prosecution said the six-year sentence was “shockingly too lenient” for the crime of murder and was an “injustice”.


Pistorius was convicted of murder after an appeal by prosecutors, having initially been acquitted of the charge. He shot Ms Steenkamp at his home in 2013.