Tunisia: Dozens drown after migrant boat sinks

Rescuers save at least 60 people after vessel with about 180 people onboard sinks

The entrance to the Habib Bourguiba University Hospital in Sfax, eastern Tunisia, where victims of a migrant shipwreck were brought for treatment. Photograph: Getty

At least 47 people died and 68 others were rescued after their migrant boat sank off Tunisia’s southern coast, according to the country’s defence ministry.

Authorities said about 180 people, of both Tunisian and other nationalities, were hemmed in onboard the vessel.

A survivor said the captain had abandoned the boat after it hit trouble in order to escape arrest.

“I survived by clinging to wood for nine hours,” he told Reuters from a hospital in the city of Sfax where people were arriving in search of relatives and friends.


Flavio Di Giacomo, a spokesman for the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), warned on Twitter that the final number of missing was still not known.

Tunisia has recently seen growing use of its coasts by human traffickers ferrying migrants from Africa to Europe, as Libyan authorities have cracked down on similar activity on their own shores.

Tunisia has been suffering from an economic crisis since the toppling of Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali as president in 2011, which led to rocketing unemployment and inflation.

In a separate incident, nine people including six children were killed off the coast of Turkey on Sunday after their speedboat sank, the Turkish coast guard said.

By May 30th, the IOM had recorded 32,080 people as having reached Europe by boat in 2018 and around 660 as having died or gone missing in the attempt.

The drownings came as Italy, one of the principal first destinations for migrants leaving Africa for Europe, witnessed a hardening of rhetoric towards illegal immigrants.

The anti-immigrant League party was sworn into a coalition government on Friday and its leader, Matteo Salvini, the new Italian interior minister, has promised to deport up to 100,000 illegal immigrants per year.

“The good times for illegals is over – get ready to pack your bags,” he told a rally in the north of Italy on Saturday.

Commenting on Sunday’s incidents, Mr Salvini said: “The objective is to save lives. And this is done by preventing the departures of the boats of death that are a business for some and a disgrace for the rest of the world.” - Guardian/Agencies