Argentina dubs funds an ‘international mafia’ over debt

Sharp falls in Argentinian bonds point to fading confidence for quick end to debt saga

A poster in Buenos Aires this week depicts New York judge Thomas Griesa as a vulture. Judge Griesa is overseeing Argentina’s long-running battle with hedge funds over defaulted debt. The poster, run by political organisation Transversal Front, reads, “Griesa wants your house, your job and your food”. Photograph: Marcos Brindicci/Reuters

Argentina branded the hedge funds suing the country over their debt holdings an "international mafia" yesterday after talks to bring a swift end to its latest default collapsed and sent Argentinian bond prices tumbling.

A group of international banks had appeared to be nearing a deal to buy a chunk of the debt held by holdout creditors whose legal battle against Argentina tipped Latin America’s No 3 economy into default on July 31st.

Holdout fund Aurelius Capital Ltd had said on Wednesday there was "no realistic prospect" of a private solution, dealing a blow to market optimism that Argentina's second default in little over a decade could be swiftly cured.

Argentinian bonds extended losses in local over-the-counter trading.


"Today we are in the hands of an international financial power comprised of small, voracious interests that form a real international mafia," Argentine cabinet Chief Jorge Capitanich, told reporters.

Although Argentinian bond prices remained way off prices typical of distressed debt, the sharp falls pointed to fading confidence on Wall Street of a quick end to the country’s latest debt saga.

Talks between Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, HSBC and JP Morgan appeared to collapse over disagreements over the price the banks would pay and the absence of a guarantee from the government that it would honour payments on them, sources told Thomson Reuters IFR.

IFR also reported that owning just $25 million (€18.7 million) of bonds may be enough to trigger a demand for the accelerated payment of restructured bonds worth up to $30 billion.

Creditors representing 25 per cent of a bond series’ nominal value can demand the principal value and interest on a bond series be immediately due, a move known as acceleration.

Daniel Kerner, director of Latin America and Eurasia Group, said the acceleration scenario was "looking increasingly likely".

Argentina’s peso fell 0.5 per cent yesterday to hit a new all-time low of 13.17 per dollar on the informal market, known as the Blue. Tight capital controls mean Argentinians are often forced to resort to the black market when they cannot get hold of greenbacks through official channels.

The country’s latest debt crisis stems from its default on nearly $100 billion in sovereign bonds 12 years ago and is blocking its return to the international bond market.

Holdout funds led NML Capital Ltd and Aurelius bought Argentinian bonds at a discount between 2001-2008 and have pressed their demand for payment of 100 cents on the dollar.

The lead attorney for NML, Robert Cohen, said yesterday the firm could begin scouring the Nevada desert for Argentinian money, after a Nevada court on August 11th compelled representatives of 123 companies registered in the state to comply with NML's searches.

Cohen said the shell companies were allegedly hiding $65 million in embezzled Argentinian assets and were “just the tip of a very large iceberg”.

He said NML is owed just under $3 billion by Argentina when taking into account all of the cases it has won against the Latin American nation in the US courts stemming from the 2002 default.

There was no immediate reaction from the Argentinian government.
