MH370: Réunion authorities call off search for more debris

Ten-day search fails to locate more wreckage after flaperon from missing jet discovered

French maritime gendarmes look at a map as part of the search for wreckage from the missing MH370 flight at the marina of Saint-Marie on the French island of Réunion late last week. Photograph: Richard Bouhet/AFP/Getty Images

The police and army on the Indian Ocean island of Réunion have called off their search for more debris from the wreckage of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, which vanished last year, police said.

A piece of wing was found on the shore of the French-governed island last month and Malaysian authorities have said paint colour and maintenance-record matches proved it came from the missing Boeing 777 aircraft.

Ten days of searching involving an army aircraft, two helicopters and a police speedboat have not found any more wreckage.

Washed-up objects including water bottles have been passed on to investigators in case they can be linked to the missing flight, police said.


“The statistical chances of discovering debris from the MH370 during co-ordinated searches appear to be extremely small,” Réunion police said, adding that they would continue to be vigilant.

First real clue

The piece of wing, known as a flaperon, was the first real clue in what has become one of the greatest mysteries in aviation history.

The jet disappeared in March last year en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, with 239 passengers and crew on board, most of them Chinese.

Malaysian transport minister Liow Tiong Lai said 10 days ago that investigators on Réunion had collected more aircraft debris, including a plane window and aluminium foil, but there was no confirmation they belonged to the missing flight.
