Cuba backs crisis-hit Venezuela ahead of Caribbean summit

Havana meeting takes place against backdrop of street demonstrations in Caracas

A woman kicks the shield of a National Guard soldier during a protest demanding food, a few blocks from Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, on Thursday. Photograph: Ariana Cubillos/AP

Cuba threw its backing on Friday behind Venezuela's embattled government in its fight against "imperialism" ahead of a regional summit that is set to be dominated by an intensifying diplomatic crisis in Latin America.

The summit of Caribbean countries in Havana comes days after the head of the Organisation of American States called for an urgent meeting to discuss whether Venezuela was violating democratic norms. The process could end in the country's suspension from the body.

A majority of the 25 states that are members of the Association of Caribbean States, or ACS, receive subsidised fuel from Venezuela under its Petrocaribe oil program that Caracas uses to wield influence in the region.

"The hysterical, clumsy and non-ethical way in which the OAS secretary general is trying to service obscure interests is surprising," Cuba said in a statement published by the ruling Communist party newspaper Granma.


As Latin America shifts away from leftist populism towards more centrist policies, Communist-ruled Cuba and its remaining allies have railed against the "imperialist" efforts of the United States to regain control of the region.

Despite the recent detente between the two countries, Cuba still refers to the US as “the enemy.”

In Granma, Cuba praised long-term ally Venezuela for its "tough and victorious diplomatic battle" against "the meddling plan of imperialism and oligarchies".

“We reiterate once more (to Venezuela) the full support of the people and the revolutionary government of Cuba and our unbreakable belief in the triumph of its just cause,” Cuba said.

Venezuela's government is facing growing criticism abroad as well as an opposition push at home for a referendum to recall President Nicolas Maduro against the darkening economic backdrop of chronic shortages and spiralling inflation.

The country’s influence in Latin America has also waned in tandem with its economic clout as global oil prices dropped.

Street protests

At its Washington headquarters, the OAS on Wednesday debated a draft declaration urging talks to end the Venezuelan crisis. The special session appeared to be a bid by some nations, including Mexico and Argentina, to avoid the more dramatic step proposed by OAS chief Luis Almagro.

The official agenda of the seventh ACS summit includes discussions about trade, transport and sustainable tourism as well as strategies to combat climate change.

Leaders of 16 Caribbean countries were expected on Friday in Havana to attend the summit, which officially takes place on Saturday.

The summit takes place against the backdrop of continuing street protests in Venezuela, where security forces fired teargas on Thursday at protesters near the presidential palace in Caracas chanting “We want food!”

National Guard soldiers and police blocked a road near the Miraflores palace in downtown Caracas, an area that is a traditional bastion of government support, after scores of angry people began trying to approach, witnesses told Reuters.

Mr Maduro, under intense pressure over a worsening economic crisis in the South American nation of 30 million, had been scheduled to address a rally nearby. The protest had spilled out of long lines for food at shops in the area, the witnesses said.

"I've been here since 8 in the morning. There's no more food in the shops and supermarkets. ... We're hungry and tired," one woman told pro-opposition broadcaster Vivoplay.

Despite the country’s having the world’s biggest oil reserves, Venezuelans are suffering severe shortages of consumer goods ranging from milk to flour, the highest inflation in the world and a shrinking economy. Lootings and lynchings are on the rise.

Mr Maduro blames an “economic war” by foes and the fall in global oil prices. Critics say the crisis is the consequence of failed socialist policies for the last 17 years.
