French man arrested in ‘advanced stages’ of terrorist plot

Bomb squad on site after raid in Argenteuil in northern outskirts of Paris

Police officers stand guard outside a building during a raid in Argenteuil. Photograph: Geoffroy van der Hasselt/AFP/Getty Images

A French man has been arrested in the “advanced stages” of a plot to attack the country.

Interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve said there were no links “at this stage” between the plan and the attacks in Paris or Brussels.

Mr Cazeneuve said bomb squads were on site after the raid took place in Argenteuil, on the northern outskirts of the French capital.

He said that the person arrested was implicated at a “high level” in the plot.


Plot Witnesses said that the immediate area had been locked down and residents were unable to return home.

France has been on high alert since the November 13th attacks in Paris that killed 130 people and injured hundreds. Mr Cazenueve said there had been 75 arrests since the beginning of the year and 28 suspects had been jailed.