Erdogan calls Netanyahu ‘terrorist’ as insults fly after Gaza deaths

Israel has defended the killing of 15 Palestinians during Friday’s demonstration

Palestinian experts are warning of increased demonstration on the Gaza-Israel border in the run up to Nakba Day, when the US will move its Israeli embassy to Jerusalem. Video: Reuters

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan called his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu a “terrorist” on Sunday, escalating an exchange of insults that started after he criticised Israel’s lethal military response to a demonstration on the Gazan border.

Israel has defended the killing of 15 Palestinians during Friday’s demonstration and Mr Netanyahu tweeted that the Israeli army “will not be lectured by those who have indiscriminately bombed civilian populations for years”, referring to Turkey.

Mr Erdogan told supporters on Sunday: “We don’t have the shame of invading on us, Netanyahu. You are an invader and right now are present in those lands as an invader. At the same time, you are a terrorist.”

A wounded Palestinian is evacuated during clashes with Israeli troops at a protest, at the Israel-Gaza border, demanding the right to return to their homeland, east of Gaza City on April 1, 2018. Photographer: REUTERS/Mohammed Salem

In another speech he said: “You are a terrorist state. It is known what you have done in Gaza and what you have done in Jerusalem. You have no one that likes you in the world.”


In a later tweet, Mr Netanyahu said: “Erdogan is not accustomed to being answered back to, but he should start getting used to it. He who occupies northern Cyprus, encroaches on Kurdish territory and massacres civilians in Afrin cannot preach to us on values and morals.”

Israel’s defence minister has rejected calls for an inquiry into Friday’s events.

Hamas, the dominant Palestinian group in Gaza, said five of the dead were members of its armed wing. Israel said eight of the 15 belonged to Hamas, designated a terrorist group by Israel and the West, and two others came from other militant factions. – Reuters