Québec mosque opens doors following fatal attack

Worshippers return to Canadian Islamic centre where six men were killed on Sunday

Messages are placed near a mosque in Québec City, Canada, following a fatal attack on Sunday. Photograph: Alice Chiche/AFP/Getty Images

Worshippers are returning to the scene of the weekend's Québec City mosque shooting to view the aftermath of the carnage.

Journalists and members of the Canadian city’s Muslim community stepped over gobs of blood on Wednesday as they made their way through the mosque, where six men were killed in a gun attack on Sunday.

Some of the walls are pierced by bullets and smears of blood remain on many surfaces, including the stairs to the basement.

Mosque vice-president Mohammed Labidi says he wanted to open the centre to the public so people can see what worshippers had to suffer.


Twenty-seven-year-old university student Alexandre Bissonnette has been charged with murder and attempted murder in relation to the attack.

Funerals for three of the dead will occur on Thursday.