Some 30,000 people forced from their homes every day in 2014

Syria number one displacement country of this generation, says refugee council

Voters from an Internally Displaced People camp in Maiduguri queue to get registered for Nigeria’s presidential elections. Conflicts and violence in places like Syria and Ukraine have displaced a record 38 million people inside their own countries, equivalent to the total populations of New York, London and Beijing, according to the Norwegian Refugee Council. Photograph: Stringer/AFP Photo/Getty Images

The number of people displaced within their own countries was the worst in a generation last year, but there is little sign of governments taking action to deal with the problem, the Norwegian Refugee Council said on Wednesday.

“Every single day last year 30,000 men, women and children were forced out of their homes because of conflict and violence,” the agency’s Secretary General Jan Egeland told a news conference in Geneva.

The total number of displaced rose by 11 million to a record 38 million. That does not include people who left their country and became refugees abroad, although many of today’s displaced become tomorrow’s refugees, he said.

The UN refugee agency UNHCR has yet to compile refugee figures for 2014, but it put the total at 16.7 million at the end of 2013, and the number has grown since then. Six out of every 10 people displaced in 2014 were in just five countries: Iraq, South Sudan, Syria, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria.


Syria is now “the number one displacement country of this generation”, with 7.6 million internally displaced and 4 million refugees, but stopping the problem was possible, Mr Egeland said.

"It's as difficult and as simple to say United States, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey: you have to sit down and send one signal into this conflict: stop it. You have to get your side to go to the negotiating table, and not just talk about the other side."

Mr Egeland said none of the humanitarian appeals for the main countries with displacement in 2015 - Iraq, Syria, Central African Republic and South Sudan - had received more than 20 per cent in funding.

“So, in some cases, it is not only the brutality of the armed men who make people move, it can also be the lack of minimum support.”

Dealing with the issue required diplomatic, political, economic and social investment by governments, especially the world’s major powers who have the influence to stop wars, he said.
