Corbyn pledges to ‘get Brexit sorted’ in six months at campaign launch

Labour leader accuses Boris Johnson of being solely to blame for EU departure delay

Britain's opposition Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, kicked off his election campaign with a vow that Labour would finish the Brexit process - by giving the electorate the final say - within six months if elected to govern.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has pledged to "get Brexit sorted" in six months as he accused Boris Johnson of being solely to blame for the EU departure delay.

On the day the prime minister missed the Halloween deadline he said he would meet “do or die”, the Labour leader outlined his plan to end the saga.

Mr Corbyn pledged to broker a new deal with Brussels and to put it to the people in a referendum as he officially kicked off his winter general election campaign for number Number 10 with a speech in London on Thursday.

“Friends, today is October 31st,” he said to laughter from the crowd of supporters gearing up for the December 12th election.


“The day Boris Johnson promised we would leave the EU.

“He said he would rather be dead in a ditch than delay beyond today.

“But he has failed. And that failure is his alone.

“After three long years of Brexit division and failure from the Tories, we have to get this issue sorted.

“We need to take it out of the hands of the politicians and trust the people to have the final say.

“Labour will get Brexit sorted within six months.

“We’ll let the people decide whether to leave with a sensible deal or remain.

“That really isn’t complicated.”

Having repeatedly pledged not to extend Brexit beyond Thursday, Mr Johnson was set to try to blame Mr Corbyn for putting back the EU withdrawal date to January 31st.

In a campaign visit, Mr Johnson was expected to say the Labour leader “refused to allow” the new Brexit deal to pass and accuse him of “more dither, more delay”.–PA