Manchester Arena bombing fire crews arrived two hours late, says report

Fire service played ‘no meaningful role’ after explosion as response to attack heavily criticised

People looking at tributes to the victims of last May’s attack on the Manchester Arena, in which 22 people were killed and hundreds injured. Photograph: Stefan Wermuth/Reuters
People looking at tributes to the victims of last May’s attack on the Manchester Arena, in which 22 people were killed and hundreds injured. Photograph: Stefan Wermuth/Reuters

The fire service played “no meaningful role” in the aftermath of last year’s Manchester Arena bombing because fire crews arrived two hours late, a review of the response to the attack has found.

Although two fire crews were stationed close enough to the Arena to hear the explosion, they were sent to a rendezvous point three miles away amid fears that there was a marauding terror attack and they would not be safe, the review concluded.

When they eventually arrived at the Arena, more than two hours after Salman Abedi detonated his suicide bomb on Monday, May 22nd, 2017 – killing 22 and injuring hundreds – the visibly frustrated fire officers were not immediately allowed on to the concourse to help because of communication errors between “risk-averse” officers in charge.

The fire service decided to send in units only after a senior officer overheard a conversation at 00.15 on Tuesday in which he learned armed police had been deployed an hour and a half earlier to check the incident was not a marauding terror attack of the type seen in Paris.


Fire officers later said that had they been told this key information by police earlier they would have potentially sent in special rescue teams sooner, knowing the scene was likely to be secure.

Vodafone criticism

Vodafone also comes in for heavy criticism in the review chaired by the former civil servant Lord Kerslake.

The phone company operates an emergency phone system that should kick in following a terror attack, allowing other police forces to help call handlers in Greater Manchester. It should also allow the local force to set up a casualty bureau to coordinate information about the missing and injured.

But the National Mutual Aid Telephony system operated by Vodafone experienced a “catastrophic failure”, Lord Kerslake found. This caused significant stress and upset on the night to the families involved, who were “reduced to a frantic search around the hospitals of Greater Manchester to find out more”.

Vodafone, which has held the home office contract to provide the service since 2009, must give urgent guarantees that it does not happen again and put tested back-up systems in place, said Lord Kerslake.

Greater Manchester fire and rescue service (GMFRS) and the northwest fire control both accept they “let down the people of Greater Manchester and other visitors to the city that night”, said Lord Kerslake.

The local fire service has three special response teams equipped with “Sked” stretchers intended for the rapid extraction of casualties from a terror attack. But the teams were never deployed and casualties were instead carried out by Arena staff on advertising boards and railings.

Some casualties complained they lay injured for two hours while the fire service waited for orders three miles away: despite GMFRS being the first and only fire and rescue service in England to have trained and equipped all its firefighters and pumps to respond to cardiac arrests for the ambulance service.

Lord Kerslake concludes that had GMFRS assets been deployed immediately then firefighters would have been much better placed to support and, potentially, to accelerate the evacuation of casualties from the foyer.

In contrast, he said the actions of the arena staff, British Transport Police (BTP) and members of the public who stayed to help showed “enormous bravery and compassion”. Police and ambulance personnel were also very rapidly on the scene and there followed “a remarkably fast deployment of armed officers” to secure the area and paramedics to attend to the wounded.

As well as representatives from the emergency services, the council and the Arena, 200 members of the public affected by the attack on May 22nd were interviewed by Lord Kerslake’s team, including family and friends of 11 of the 22 people who died.

‘Hounded’ by media

Many complained about being “hounded” and “bombarded” by the media. Some said photographers took “sneaky” pictures through a window when they were being told their loved ones had died.

At one hospital, a reporter sent a tin of biscuits for staff containing a note offering £2,000 for information. Several people told of the physical presence of crews outside their homes. One mentioned the forceful attempt by a reporter to gain access through their front door by ramming a foot in the doorway.

The child of one family was given condolences on the doorstep before official notification of the death of her mother. Another family told how their child was stopped by journalists while making their way to school.

There were at least two examples of impersonation, said Lord Kerslake. One respondent said they talked to someone pretending to be a bereavement nurse; another said journalists phoned the hospital pretending to be from the police.

“To have experienced such intrusive and overbearing behaviour at a time of such enormous vulnerability seemed to us to be completely and utterly unacceptable,” Lord Kerslake writes. He asks the Independent Press Standards Organisation to review the operation of its code and consider developing a new code specifically to cover similar events in future.

While some families were grateful to have received money from the We Love Manchester emergency fund, which raised £20 million from members of the public, others were angry. Some objected to the awards being made public. “We weren’t happy . . . that every member of the country now knows what’s in our bank account,” said one. Others complained that bereaved relatives received more than those who survived with horrific injuries.

Some reserved their ire for the government: “My family feel very angry and let down by the government as there has been no help, support or funding in any way . . . if it wasn’t for the generosity of the public . . . we would probably be homeless.” – Guardian