New TDs in line for council payments of more than €50,000

One Fianna Fáil TD to donate €12,500 to charity after 31 years of council service

New Independent TD Catherine Connolly from Galway West will receive €53,500.

Newly elected Fianna Fáil TD for Roscommon-Galway Eugene Murphy is due to receive a gratuity payment of almost €60,000 after serving as a county councillor for more than 30 years.

Speaking to Shannonside FM, Mr Murphy estimated he would receive €59,000 from Roscommon County Council for his years of service since 1985. He would donate €12,500 to local causes.

Other newly elected TDs qualifying include Louth Fianna Fáil TD Declan Breathnach, who qualifies for €58,700; Independent Catherine Connolly from Galway West ( €53,500); and Bríd Smith (Dublin South Central) of AAA-PBP, who qualifies for €22,200.