UK junior health minister diagnosed with coronavirus

Nadine Dorries reportedly attended reception with Boris Johnson in the past week

Conservative MP Nadine Dorries: ‘I can confirm I have tested positive for coronavirus. As soon as I was informed I took all advised precautions and have been self isolating at home.’

A junior health minister in the UK has been diagnosed with coronavirus after falling ill on Friday.

Nadine Dorries confirmed she was self-isolating after testing positive, while officials were working to identify how she came into contact with the virus

She said in a statement: “I can confirm I have tested positive for coronavirus. As soon as I was informed I took all advised precautions and have been self isolating at home.

"Public Health England has started detailed contact tracing and the department and my parliamentary office are closely following their advice.


"I would like to thank PHE and the wonderful NHS staff who have provided me with advice and support."

Ms Dorries met hundreds of people in parliament in the past week and attended a reception with prime minster Boris Johnson, the Times of London reported.

Health secretary Matt Hancock said he was "really sorry" to hear Ms Dorries had contracted the virus. "She has done the right thing by self isolating at home, and both NHS and PHE staff have been brilliant. We all wish her well as she recovers," he added.

Ms Dorries (62), a Conservative MP, is the first member of the House of the Commons to be diagnosed with the virus.

She was appointed to her health ministry role last year. She was a contestant on I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here in 2012. – PA/Reuters